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1. Decide on who and why

2. Get to know the content

3. Put the best bit first

4. Slash everything else

5. Edit sentences

6. Put "if" before "then"

7. Demolish walls of words

8. Launch and land on the same name

9. Rest it then test it

8. Launch and land on the same name

When you click on a link, you expect to go to the content named in the link.
If the names are different then it's confusing. If they're the same, it's reassuring.

Write meaningful links: no 'click here' or 'more information'.

People often decide whether to visit a link by reading the link on its own. Boring links like 'click here' or 'more...' make it hard for them.

Give a reward for each click

Following a link means work for your reader. Make sure each one delivers a rewarding amount of relevant content.

Be careful about embedding links

Any link offers the temptation to follow it. An embedded link is in the middle of your content

If people will mostly "scan, select, and move on" then put your links where they can find them and choose quickly. Don't hide the links in the middle of content.

If people will want to read and absorb the content of your page, then give them a chunk of content before each link.

Only use an emdedded link when leaving your content to follow the link will be better for most people than continuing with your content.



People who use screen readers often listen to the links without reading the surrounding text and at high speed. Make sure that the beginning of each link is distinctive and informative.

Exception: Wikipedia

Wikipedia has embedded links everywhere. Some people find them annoying, others find them helpful because they are browsing. If you're writing for Wikipedia, it's ok to embed links.

Where from?

Theofanos, M. F. and Redish, J. C., 2003
Guidelines for accessible and usable web sites: Observing users who work with screen readers Interactions, X (6), November-December, 38-51.

Where to find out more

Ginny Redish's book

chapter 12: Writing meaningful links